Pheromone Girl Grows Up

Once upon a time...



Having found each other, the two parts of her self, she realized that the person she was, the little girl under the water, was no longer. Time passes, whether we like it or not, and sometimes the only new beginnings come from an ending.

In leaving the water, coming to safe harbor on solid ground, she found her life full of more trouble than she'd imagined. Anger, hurtful and mean, and many lonely hours. She was never lonely when she sat with her mother brushing her strawberry blond hair. There was no going back, though. Only moving forward.

When her days of swimming and moonlight ended, her days of stomping in puddles began. Forgetting any puddle on that path to her new life was impossible. But wondering about the future, what lies ahead, is just as bitter as it is as full of joy.

Nothing is more difficult than goodbye.


Ileana said...

Goodbyes can be extremely difficult, but when given a choice, I'd pick freedom as well.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the end of childhood - terrible feeling.

Fireblossom said...

That girl will find her way. I know she will.

Unknown said...

Oh I like waht you write, Oh how I like it!

g-man said...

A new adventure begins.....

Maude Lynn said...

I had to backtrack, and I'm so glad that I did. I love this!

Shionge said...

Yes...but it is not goodbye for now but see you again :D

Happy THanksgiving Buddy :D

Fireblossom said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Rachel, wherever you are.

Ileana said...

Hope you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving, Chica!! Miss you.

Shionge said...

Yo PG, secretly I wish that you won't 'grow up' ;)

Anonymous said...

I am late to this particular party. Funny thing is, it seems kind of fitting.

'Nice' is one of those words I like to avoid and use too much, all at the same time. And, damn it, this is...... nice!

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