Pheromone Girl Grows Up

Once upon a time...


Aw, damn

Landlord finally did it. The house is on the market. Not the lot, but the house.

I don't intend to kill anyone. Yet. But I plan to make showing this house as unpleasant as possible. The guy, after all, left my daughter - you know, the one with an anxiety disorder? -in tears by asking that we show it whenever.

There is, after all, a first-time-buyers credit or some such shit.

Did anyone miss the part that I WORKED FOR A MONTH last December to get it LIVEABLE. Bad, moldy carpets have become black-stained hardwoods. Remodeled kitchen and bathroom. Every light fixture is new. But my landlord, he's a nice guy. Offered to help me rent a storage unit - for "your junk."

I hope he feels bad when I give notice next week and he's stuck with his house payment through the winter, no renters in sight. Or, when someone else moves in and has to deal with leaky basements, water pouring out of a shower and ants in the kitchen. Oh, and a camp stove to cook on.

WANTED: Nice rental house. 4 bedrooms. Accepts pitbulls and a slightly wacky family that will make it nicer than you ever imagined. Please?



Fireblossom said...

Rachel, no! What an ugly bag of mostly water that guy is. It's scientifically proven, all landlords are a$$holes. I hope the ants bite him where it counts.


*sends a huge truck filled with Feather Brite*

G-Man said...

On your last day there, dump a jar of honey all over the house...

listen for azure said...

You should have heard the things the kiddos were saying last night. All I can tell you is that no, I will NOT let them do what those who have turned their homes back to the bank in foreclosure have done. Although there are some light fixtures I paid for that come with me. I think the worst part is that, without all MY hard work, he wouldn't have been able to sell this place for more than scrap. But guess what, I don't have to CLEAN anymore, right?!?!

Tall Kay said...

God has something much better in store for you! Maybe he would lower your rent while you are showing it? Not a great time to sell...what is he thinking?

Riot Kitty said...

The guy's a bottomfeeder. Why do you need 4 bedrooms? One for Ezmond? :)

Unknown said...

I guess you knew it was coming, but hoped it was not. I hope things turn better for the next place.

Granny Annie said...

I would have sworn that I posted a comment here yesterday? Oh well, I do hate it that you are having to deal with this. It seem this happened to my daughter and her husband because they put so much into a rental house to make it comfortable the owners loved it and would sell it right out from under them.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this. This happens a lot to renters as they fix-up a place so good that the LL decides, hey, "I can get a good buck for this place now".

Cheers from Boston

LL Cool Joe said...

Damn that sucks! Let's hope there is a wonderful home just waiting for you and your family to move into. As one door closes another opens..literally.

Chin up!

G. B. Miller said...

I agree with the first poster that all landlords are less then stellar.

My first landlord actually said that she was going to buy me and my wife a wedding gift the last year that were were living there.

Notice I said, "said".

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